
WL Week will arrive every other week in the summer. Our next newsletter will come out the week of July 8.

Upcoming Opportunities

WL Leadership Institute

Your RegionSisterhood Affiliate or your Rabbi might have scholarship money to help cover these costs. Don’t forget to ask!

Registration for WL Leadership institute has been extended to July 8th BUT the hotel rate will increase after June 26th so register quickly. Space is limited.



July 28-30, 2024

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism – committed to developing skilled and dedicated leaders – invites you to attend an inspiring Leadership Institute that will expand your skills as a leader and enhance your knowledge as a Jewish woman while strengthening your connection to Women’s League, your Sisterhood Affiliate, your community, and Klal Yisrael.




A multi-day workshop that will enhance your personal style of communication with interactive exercises and role-playing. Discover tips and techniques for using language that motivates, stimulates and encourages women to volunteer.

An opportunity to network with other women, master goal setting, time management and team building. Learn the secret of keeping yourself challenged. 


The Leadership Institute’s unique format allows participants to build a personal program to expand Jewish knowledge and leadership skills.



$299 includes materials, programming, and meals. This fee does not include hotel or transportation to Congregation Beth David Sisterhood or transportation to Saratoga, CA. 


Registration for the hotel starts at $139 + tax per night double occupancy. Click here to reserve a room in the Leadership Institute room block at the Marriott Aloft Cupertino.


The learning and sense of community created during the Institute comes both from the shared experiences during the formal program and the unstructured time together at the hotel. To facilitate this, we strongly urge local participants to stay with the rest of the group at the hotel. 


The leadership Institute team,

Margie Miller

Debbie Lempert

Illene Rubin

Debbi Lempert      or


Margie Miller

Minyan Ahavah



June 28, 2024

5:00pm ET

Minyan Ahavah reaches out to people with memory loss and their caregivers. The next virtual Kabbalat Shabbat (welcoming the Sabbath) service is on Friday, June 28, at 5 pm Cantor Josh and Rabbi Judith Hauptman will lead the service. You can log in at 5 pm, or even better, at 4:45 pm, for a schmooze. A really nice way to begin the Sabbath is with a bit of chat with others. So join early! Zoom link is below.


Meeting ID: 212 673 2096

Passcode: 2126732096


Want to bring a friend or relative? Please do! Just forward them the link. Here’s a way for you to participate in the service: please hold up a baby photo of yourself or someone else and tell us about it. Or a photo from when you were a child.


During the Mi Sheberach prayer for healing, you will be able to type in the names of the people for whom you are wishing a speedy recovery. I will read them aloud. We look forward to greeting you on Friday, June 28, at 5 pm, or a few minutes earlier.

Rabbi Hauptman

WLCJ partners with Jewish Earth Aliance

WLCJ is partnering with Jewish Earth Aliance for virtual Lobby Day with your state senators on August 8th. Time to meet with each senator TBD depending on state.


Take Action for People and Planet for Tisha B’av
Pre-Tisha B'Av Virtual Lobby Day
for Climate Solutions
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Register NOW for Virtual Lobby Day


AND ALSO Register for briefing on July 16th at 8pm ET with Rep. Jamie Raskin “Why every voice matters.” All referencing important Climate Solutions.


Jewish Earth Alliance Network Briefing

& Virtual Lobby Day Preparation

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) on:
Why Every Voice Matters

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
8:00 pm ET/ 5:00 pm PT
Register for Network Briefing

WLCJ Communications can personalize your email signature?

From an iPhone:

  1. In the GMAIL app, click on the 3-dashes on the top left corner
  2. Scroll down to select Settings
  3. Scroll down to Signature Settings
  4. Enable your Mobile Signature and write in the text field your desired signature. Please note you CANNOT add any logo (or images) on a mobile signature. Text only. Then click on Done
  5. Go to Compose and you'll see your signature added.

From your Desktop Computer

  1. Once logged into GMAIL, go to the Setting icon and click on See all Settings
  2. Scroll down to Signature and Create New and Name the signature. You can create more than one type of signature.
  3. Fill the text field with your name and contact information and/or logo. You may need to adjust the size of the logo.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click on Save Changes
  5. Go to Compose and you'll see your signature added.


Esta Z. Lichtenstein

WL Communications Chair

Women’s League Partnership

Women’s League is now a partner with the Neve Shalom Sisterhood Loom Room program. Each time someone comes to weave as a referral from Women’s League, they will have the incredible experience of creating a beautiful Judaic item (and Women’s League will also receive a referral fee). Whether you come to weave yourself or have their volunteers weave the item after you have designed it, you will take enormous pride and joy and satisfaction in your performance of hiddur mitzvah. It will be a seminal moment in your life.

There is also a Women's League Hiddur Mitzvah Google Group. If you want to join the group, please email Esta Lichtenstein, WLCJ Communications Chair at to be added.

Weekly Words of Torah

Rabbi Margie Cella

WLCJ Educator

For the past 80-plus years, the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, has been supporting scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning, The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam.

The 2023-2024 / 5784 Torah Fund General Campaign is Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh, All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. Arevut, responsibility, will be visible on our new, silver heart-shaped charm which can be worn as a pendant or pin.

The WWOT, the Weekly Words of Torah, each week through the end of June 2024, will delve into the idea of arevut, responsibility.

Parashat Sh’lach—Numbers 13:1-15:41 - June 29, 2024

At God’s command, Moses sends 12 men to scout out the land of Canaan before entering it. They spent 40 days traversing the land, returning with a cluster of grapes that required two people to carry it. They described the land as bounteous, with very large inhabitants. Caleb and Joshua recommended going into the land, but the other 10 were too afraid to do so. The people listened to the 10, refusing to go into Canaan. This angered God, who threatened to destroy the nation, starting again with Moses. Moses interceded for the Israelites, convincing God not to destroy them because it would look bad to the other nations. Instead, God decreed that it would take them 40 years to enter the land, during which time all the fighting men of that generation except for Joshua and Caleb would die in the wilderness.

Moses demonstrates care for both the people and God. We have already seen him lose patience with the people and their frequent complaining. It might have been very tempting to just say yes to God’s proposition to make Moses the center of a new nation. Instead, he put personal glory aside, pleading with God not to destroy the nation, though they were certainly guilty of disobedience. Additionally, Moses shows concern for God’s reputation amongst the nations of the world. God has dwelt among the people in love, leading them through the desert in a cloud. What would the world think about a vengeful God that would now destroy that nation? Moses put aside personal gain and glory, knowing that both God and the people were more important than he, who was only one individual. Moses is a role model for us all. Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Ba’Zeh  All the people of Israel are responsible for one another. 

Makom B'Yachad


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

9:00 am PT

10:00 am MT

11:00 am CT

12:00 noon ET

A virtual service for our WLCJ Sisters to recite Mishaberach, the Prayer for Healing, recite the Psalm of the Day, study and recite Kaddish together.

Zoom link can be found in WL Week. Please email if you are not in our mailing list.

(Aren't able to join us? Watch it later on Facebook Live!)

A virtual background is available for Makom B'Yachad! DOWNLOAD HERE

Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study and Kaddish?

Let Us Pray - composed by Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields


Order WLCJ 5785 Calendar Diaries

Calendar Diaries are available to order now! Orders will ship within 1-3 business days upon receiving the order + payment. 

Pocket Size = $11.00

Planner Size = $26.00

Programming Ideas

Plan Ahead

1. Pink Shabbat - Pick a Shabbat service or maybe even Kabalat Shabbat service to honor Breast Cancer Awareness month in October. Invite a guest to speak from Sharsheret, maybe a breast cancer survivor in your own sisterhood and/or GYN doctor who speaks about Breast cancer. 


2. Dinner or Lunch in the Sukkah - Because of the time of the year it a great time to have a Paid-Up Membership. Offer this event for free or very little, enticing women to pay there dues early.

Have a guest speaker or just make it a social event allowing women who have not made the blessing for sitting in the sukkah, and over the lulav and etrog to do so.


3. Holidays package for college students at your synagogue - Packages to college students are always appreciated. It makes them feel they’re not forgotten by their shul. Chanukah, Purim and Pesach are the holidays easiest to do during the year.

Jill Tomar

WL Programming Co-Chair


Toby Maser

WL Programming Co-Chair

Mothers of Olim

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism sponsors Mothers of Olim, a group founded prior to the emergence of Zoom. Initially the members helped each other ship packages to their children who had made Aliyah, immigrated to Israel. With the dawn of Covid and Zoom, Mothers of Olim became a lifeline to women around the globe when we weren’t permitted to visit... continue reading

The next meeting will be held on Sunday, June 30 at 12 ET.  To get the Zoom link,  email Renee.

Renee Seal

Mothers of Olim Chair

WL Consulting Services

Sandy Blumenthal

Consulting Services Chair


Anise Parnes

Consulting Services Vice Chair

Continuing Education

Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies | Online Jewish Learning

Zacharias Frankel College | Learn more

Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano | Learn more

Schechter Institutes | Community Learning

Jewish Theological Seminary | Events & Learning

Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center | Learn more | Learn more

American Jewish University | Online Jewish Learning

Region / Sisterhood Affiliates Events

Do you have any upcoming programs that are virtual/hybrid?

Send it to to add it in WL Week.

Torah Fund

Resources found on our website

War in Israel | Find more Israel-related resources on our website

Daughters of Yisrael | Streaming Now - a song for WLCJ by Rabbi Aviva Shira Funke

WLCJ App | Available for download

WLCJ-FJMC Inclusion Initiative | Learn more

Kolot BiK’dushah | Learn categories and guidelines

WLCJ Convention 2023 | Learn more and view photos

WLCJ PrezNet | Learn more and who to contact

WLCJ 5784 Calendar Diaries | Clearance Sale

Keshet | Learn more about the equality project for LGBTQ in Jewish life

Women of the Wall | Support WOW by purchasing a tallit

Published Shabbat messages | Learn more

Jewish Book Council | Learn more

Six Months in Hostage Square Pictures and Stories | Learn more

Additional Opportunities

Hillel International Scholarships for Jewish Students | Learn more

Nefesh B'Nefesh | Learn more

Women's Study Group with author, Naomi Graetz | Learn more


Women's League Google Groups | Learn more


520 8th Avenue, 4th Floor

New York, NY 10018

Office: (405) 870-1260
